Monday, March 31, 2008

Welcome to the superflu

As some of you know last week we battled the worst flu to ever slink through these doors. Countless loads of laundry later both kids are well. Our week went like this. 2 days before easter joe threw up in mikailas bed ( middle of the night of course) So they slept in joes room. Next night while mikkis sheets are washing mikki throws up in joes room. And so goes the week till it was two pukes two beds in one night. Then joe got the runs and it was changing beds 4 times a night 2 pukes 2 uh others. I WAS SO TIRED. So after 7 days of this bug ( yes 7 days of little sleep and lotta laundry) with the aid of pepto and gravol ( i love gravol) we were nastiness free. One may think that at this point i went back to getting my much needed sleep but this is where you would be wrong because guess who has the superflu now. At least im a big girl who can throw up in the toilet even in the middle of the night. Beware guys this flu is a killer painful.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

The call of the wild

Today was quite the day around here today. Nothing like excitement to get me to restart the blogging. Today was the number 1 most terrifying moment in my life, when you cannot find your child panic sets in fast. I woke up hearing a few thumps which is normal in our home. The kids sleep in till about 10 but around 830 they usually get up to go to the bathroom and back to bed. For some reason i had a gut feeling to go check on them, knowing i wouldnt sleep till i checked i got up and headed to Mikaila's room. Upon opening my bedroom door i saw Joe standing in the hallway. I asked him where Mikaila was and he said downstairs so down i went to see what was up. No Mikaila .. I ask joe again, "where?" and he says outside. I run outside look around and no kid ,i went back in to check the garage bathrooms etc thinking she was playing a trick. No kid. I say "Joe did you SEE her go out the door?" He says yes mommy she ran away :| :| :| wtf? I ask him when and he replys by saying awhile ago. OMG panick i run upstairs throw some clothes on get Conrad up yelling Mikaila ran away and i cant find her. I hopped in the truck and sped away to search for her. Conrad heads to the park both of us yelling for her. I get to the exit of our subdivision and no kid. This is the point exactly ( as i turned my truck around) that i fell apart. I went from panic to complete melt down. That instant right there was the most afraid i have ever been EVER. A parent missing a child. Sobbing hysterically i drive back to phone the police and miss my turn, so i decide to take the long way back. On the drive back, several blocks from home i spot one little tiny 6yr old wearing one sandal and one cowboy boot with no socks, striped red pj pants and her pink coat...toting her little barbie suitcase on wheels. I pull over still bawling and hop out. Well i forgot to put the truck in park so i have to run after the truck and stop it(whoops) THEN i finally get to go grab my baby. Shes safe!! I cry and yell at her the whole way home. Fear about the situation made us pretty angry so yep she got yelled at by both parents. Then we proceded to talk to her about how dangerous what she did was and we told her how much we love her and talk about running away. Then i took her tv away to make sure she knows how serious this was ( she is devastated without her tv).She wanted to run away to her auntys house becasue there are no rules there. She doesnt like being "bossed around" at home.She doesnt "Want" to clean her room or play with her brother. So she left. Jem and the Holograms taught her how to "runaway" ( 80s girls jem fans,think startlight girls and you will recall the episode). So thats our day What did you do today?